Clerk Services Fees
Clerk Services
Clerk Services Fees
Public Marriage License: $87.00
Confidential Marriage License: $100.00
Marriage Ceremony (appointment only, NON-REFUNDABLE): $50
Licencia y Certificado de Matrimonio: $87.00
Licencia y Certificado de Matrimonio Confidencial: $100.00
Ceremonia de Matrimonio Civil [NO REEMBOLSABLE]: $50.00
Pursuant to Business and Professions Code 17915, a fictitious business name statement (FBN) shall be filed with the clerk of the county in which the registrant has his/her principal place of business in this state, or, if the registrant has no place of business in this state, with the Clerk of Sacramento County. This does not preclude a person from filing a fictitious business name statement in a county other than where the principal place of business is located, as long as the requirements of this subdivision are also met.
IN PERSON: Complete the online FBN Statement application, present valid government issued photo identification, and complete an Affidavit of Identity form.
BY MAIL: Registrants are required to complete the online FBN Statement application, and submit an original signed copy the FBN Statement and notarized Affidavit of Identity form.
OTHER/AGENT: Persons completing online FBN Statement on behalf of the registrant must submit an original signed copy of the FBN Statement, present a valid government issued photo identification or notarized Affidavit of Identity form (if by mail).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Agents must enter their information when completing the electronic application. Failure to do so may result in delayed processing of application.
After an FBN Statement has been filed, no changes can be made to the filing and no refunds can be issued. Any changes or corrections will require a new filing and filing fee. NO EXCEPTIONS.
A. Where (FBN Types) appears on screen:
B. Where (FBN Name) appears on screen:
C. Where (FBN Addresses) appears on screen:
D. Where (FBN Registrants) appears on screen:
E. Where (Penalty of Perjury) appears on screen:
Pursuant to Business and Professions Code 17914, the FBN statement shall be signed as follows:
association other than a partnership, by a general partner.
F. Where (Certified Copies of Document) appears on screen:
G. Where (FBN Report) appears on screen:
Business and Professions Code Section 17922
The statement expires upon filing and publication of a Statement of Abandonment.
Business and Professions Code Section 17923
The statement does not expire if a withdrawing partner files and publishes a Statement of Withdrawal and all other facts remain as originally filed.
Business & Professions Code 17930
Any person who executes, files, or publishes any statement under this chapter, knowing that such statement is false, in whole or in part, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(Business & Professions Code 17917, 17922(a), 17923(c) & Government Code 6064)
The fictitious business name statement, statement of abandonment and statement of withdrawal shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the fictitious business name statement was filed. This publication must occur within 45 days of filing the statement(s) and the publication(s) shall be published once a week for four consecutive weeks.
You are required to publish a Fictitious Business Name Statement if:
• It is a first time filing
• A new filing due to changes made to a previous filing
• Previous statement has expired (more than 40 days) even if there are no changes
• Statement of Abandonment
• Statement of Withdrawal of Partnership
Contact information of adjudicated newspapers in the Imperial County are available both online and in person. To avoid missing the required 45-day time limit for publication, please check with each newspaper for their schedule. Customers are responsible for submitting their statements for publication in a timely manner. Statements not submitted in time for publication will be subject to completing a new filing for the fictitious business name and pay all applicable fees.
The Imperial County Clerk-Recorder does not endorse or recommend any publication service. Customer is responsible for communicating with newspaper(s) for any questions/concerns relating to the publication(s).
In Person Bring:
By Mail Send:
A notary authentication verifies that the notary's bond was filed and recorded in Imperial County, duly commissioned by the State of California and active at the time of notarization. It does not validate the contents within the document.
To have a signature of an Imperial County Notary Public authenticated, the supporting documentation presented in person or by mail must include original seals and signatures. The seal must clearly show the name of the notary, commission number and date of expiration
Imperial County Clerk verifies Translators/Interpreters declarations completed by a Translator/Interpreter registered with the American Translator Association or California Court Interpreter.
Submit your request in person or by mail. Your request must include:
1) Original document in the foreign language
2) Document translated into English
3) Original, completed Translator/Interpreters Declaration
To locate a translator/interpreter, visit the American Translator Association online or the California Court Interpreter online.
In Person Bring:
By Mail Send:
A notary authentication verifies that the notary's bond was filed and recorded in Imperial County, duly commissioned by the State of California and active at the time of notarization. It does not validate the contents within the document.
To have a signature of an Imperial County Notary Public authenticated, the supporting documentation presented in person or by mail must include original seals and signatures. The seal must clearly show the name of the notary, commission number and date of expiration.
To request a notary authentication, complete the required form and present the original document(s) in person or by mail.
Imperial County Clerk verifies Translators/Interpreters declarations completed by a Translator/Interpreter registered with the American Translator Association or California Court Interpreter.
Submit your request in person or by mail. Your request must include:
To locate a translator/interpreter, visit the American Translator Association online or the California Court Interpreter online.
Apostille and Authentication
The California Secretary of State provides authentication of public official signatures on documents to be used outside the United States.
Please check the Secretary of State website for the latest fee schedule.
Pursuant to the passing of Assembly Bill 2324, the authentication of a document signed by a Imperial County Public Health Official is no longer required to obtain an apostille.
The Imperial County Clerk-Recorder can only authenticate a document signed by a Imperial County public health official. Record to be apostille purchased from the Imperial County Health Department signatures must be verified by the Imperial County Clerk prior to the apostille process. The authentication verifies that the official(s) were authorized to produce a certified copy of the record at the time of issuance. It does not validate the contents within the document.
To have a signature of an Imperial County Health Official authenticated, the supporting documentation presented in person or by mail must include original signatures. The record must contain two health official signatures and be an original certified copy of the record. A photocopy is not acceptable.
To request a public health official authentication, complete the required form and present the original record(s) in person or by mail.
NOTICE: Pursuant to the passing of Assembly Bill 2324, the Health Official authentication will no longer be required to obtain an apostille. Please visit the California Secretary of State for the most up to date information.
In Person Bring:
By Mail Send:
A notary authentication verifies that the notary's bond was filed and recorded in Imperial County, duly commissioned by the State of California and active at the time of notarization. It does not validate the contents within the document.
To have a signature of an Imperial County Notary Public authenticated, the supporting documentation presented in person or by mail must include original seals and signatures. The seal must clearly show the name of the notary, commission number and date of expiration
Imperial County Clerk verifies Translators/Interpreters declarations completed by a Translator/Interpreter registered with the American Translator Association or California Court Interpreter.
Submit your request in person or by mail. Your request must include:
1) Original document in the foreign language
2) Document translated into English
3) Original, completed Translator/Interpreters Declaration
To locate a translator/interpreter, visit the American Translator Association online or the California Court Interpreter online.